Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Idaho's Governor Otter takes a stand

Idaho is first in the nation to have a governor sign legislation indicating that our state doesn't want to be included in the federal healthcare bill should it pass, at least in part because of the section in the healthcare bill that requires people to purchase health insurance.

Whether you are for or against the healthcare bill, if it passes it will add another mandatory expense to cover--all the more reason to have the basic necessities on hand so that you don't have to choose between them and what would become a required "necessity". I personally am against the current legislation being discussed, (though I think that there are some types of healthcare changes that would benefit the country) but the one of the great things about the United States of America is that everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

You might want to make your opinion known on the healthcare bill soon if you are interested--things seem to be moving pretty fast right now. Idaho's Representatives are Congressman Minnick and Congressman Simpson, since they are trying to pass it in the House of Representatives right now.


APN said...

It's good to know Otter is taking a stand. Far as I know Simpson is against it. I'm in Minnicks District so you can bet I'll be giving him a call.

idahobob said...

I am shocked that Otter would sign this. I have absolutely no confidence in him. He really needs to be replaced by someone that has not been corrupted by the system, in Washington, District of Criminals.

With that said, I contacted both of our representatives about this outrageous bill and the unconstiutional "Slaughter Rule".

We will see.....


Marie said...

APN--I have called Congressman Minnick's office and was told that he is voting against the bill. I hope that remains true. It is also my understanding that Congressman Simpson is against it.

IdahoBob--I'm glad that other people are calling as well--I hope that enough people stand up for our rights and the Constitution that the bill doesn't pass.

Thank you both for your comments!

idahobob said...

Now we will see if our "leaders", here in Idaho, have the cajones to stand up to the Criminals in D.C. or not.


Marie said...

IdahoBob--I'm hoping that they do, and that they win. I don't want the legislation in effect here. (Or anywhere, but they passed it last night, so now it's up to the individual states to stop it, looks like.) I'm glad that there's already something signed and in place against it here. Again, I hope they win, win, win, when they do fight it.

idahobob said...

And now, we have joined with 12 other states in a federal lawsuit against the obamaroid's health care "plan".

Our illustrious "representative", Mr. Minnick, feels that it is a waste of time and resources.

Personally, I disagree with the illustrious Mr. Minnick.

Too bad we cannot vote him out, come November.


Marie said...

IdahoBob--I disagree with Congressman Minnick also when it comes to this--I think we should fight this with every Constitutional option that we can, because I feel that the legislation is detrimental to the country. I am glad that he voted against it, because I wasn't always sure he was going to--my hope is that he will help in any way that he can to exempt Idaho from its effects. If not, at least we have other people working on it in our behalf. Thanks for the info--I hadn't heard his opinion on the matter.