Friday, December 9, 2011

Have you heard about this?

Seems that I'm kind of stuck on questions for titles lately... :)

First off, snow was not long in coming after my last post on my tires--if memory serves, it snowed the very next day. Not much stayed except a few icy patches on the road in inconvenient places. But then, I suppose no matter where they were, they would be inconvenient... :) Anyway, we are in the process of getting any and all issues concerning tires take care of, and I hope no one else has had any problems with theirs. Here's hoping that our street doesn't turn into the (seemingly) perpetual ice rink that it was last year.

Just wanted to include this link for those who have not yet seen it. It concerns recent U.S. legislation, and storing food is one of the particular things mentioned. I did just mention this link today on my other blog, so it is a repeat, but just trying to spread information as much as possible. The information in this link is the "this" referred to in the post title, and might interest those who haven't heard about it yet...

Those readers who prefer incandescent light bulbs may be interested in this article, which includes information on when they will no longer be available. Yes, the article is a little old (gotta hate procrastination on posting about it--sorry) but the deadlines are coming up, especially on the 100 watt variety. You might want to pick up a couple of them while you still can, if they are your light bulb of choice.

Hope all is well with everyone, and that everyone is enjoying the Christmas season!


Badrockbilly said...

Thanks for the post. Some places where I've been hanging out.

Marie said...

Badrockbilly--Thanks for the link and for your comment!