Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Making our voices heard

There are a lot of things going on in government that could affect why we prepare for emergencies, what we put in our emergency supplies, and how long we may be able to continue emergency preparation ( for example, if the economy goes down to a point where supplies are no longer available because no one can afford the production costs, that will effectively cut off the timeline). Each of us has a voice, and it doesn't just stop at the ballot box--we can continue to make our voices heard by contacting our elected officials and letting them know what we think. Are you for or against further bailouts? Where do you stand on our Constitutional rights? Let those who speak for us hear what you have to say:

For a complete list of U.S. Senators and contact information, look here.

--For Idaho:

Senator Mike Crapo

Senator James E. Risch

For those serving in the U.S. House of Representatives and contact information, look here.

For Idaho:

Congressman Walt Minnick

Congressman Mike Simpson

When I have felt particularly strong about an issue, I have contacted not only Idaho's officials, but other representatives, sometimes many other representatives, as well. After all, while my vote may not affect them, their vote on any given issue definitely affects me. I have been very impressed with the responses that I have received. And let's face it, I feel better being able to do something when an issue is important to me.

Of course, the government is not the only factor there is when it comes to reasons to be prepared for emergencies, but it is one in which we have a say. It takes some effort, both in trying to keep up with what is going on--sometimes policies can move quite quickly and/or unheralded through our governmental process--and in making our voices heard so that we can have an effect on policies that are implemented in our country.

The effort is well worth it. Whatever our viewpoints, we can all make ourselves heard...

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