Thursday, April 9, 2009

Being an aggressive prepper is ok, though...

Just a head's up on something that I found out about this morning, and promptly went to find an internet source about so that you can see it for yourselves. No one should ever be an aggressive driver, anyway, but according to this article, a campaign running from April 10 (yeah, starting tomorrow)-April 19 will target aggressive drivers. Also mentioned in the article is the fact that the aggressive driving citations start at $75.

Wouldn't you rather have that $75 (+) for emergency preparations? And when I say that being an aggressive prepper is ok, I mean that it's ok to prepare with zest and zeal, vim and vigor, and a positive "let's-get-it-done!" attitude, not cut people off in the grocery aisle, or something like that. Just so we're clear on that..... :)


kymber said...

bahahaha! great post Marie!
but wow - $75 dollars?!?!? yikes - that could buy a lot of preps!!!

The Huffies said...

This is completely off-topic, but I just wanted you and your blog to be aware of a great deal I found...sorry I couldn't find another place to post generic comments! Anyhow, I'm not sure if you've had the chance to learn about Life Caps...the survival pill that sustains life if you can't get to food. I have a code for their products that may be of interest to your readers. The following code can be used at to receive $10 off per bottle of Life Caps. The code is: Good Life. I hope this helps someone...they have really helped me and are great for 72-hour kits and emergency supplies!

madmaddy said...

What an inspiring post. I've got the forgage 'bug' but good now! The area I live in now is not a great one for gleaning, but I do travel a great deal to ID and WA so I can catch up there.

Marie said...

Kymber--Couldn't agree more that $75 is a lot of money--or wheat, rice or beans if you put it into food storage--would definitely rather put it there than on a citation... Thanks for your comment!

The Huffies--I had not heard of this product, but am thinking following the link would lead to all different kinds of information you want people to see...

Madmaddy--Having foraging skills is a great thing--I keep learning more about where to find/how to make emergency preparation items from other blogs, and it's incredibly valuable information. Wow, since you travel, you have even more options, so you're probably ahead of me... :)Thanks for your comment!

Humble wife said...

Boy $75.00? I could do sooo much! So you are right zeal= good, aggressive=bad!

Marie said...

Jennifer--Thanks! $75 would still go pretty far around here too!