Friday, December 14, 2012

ABY #37: Buying ahead--the clothes edition

My 37th ABY:  Shoes and clothes (next size up for younger people who are still growing)

If I could add anything to this, it would be: Since I put clothes in general, it pretty much covers everything, but I will add coats here. Hey, this is Idaho... :)

Just think of things that would be hard/extremely difficult/nearly impossible to make on your own (you will note I put shoes first) and try to have some of those items in storage. And check your 72-hour kits periodically to make sure that the clothes there are the right size for the person for which they are intended, and also for the right (ish) season that you might end up using them. I say right (ish) because with the weather in some places, you never know.... :)

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